www.618deals.com - Your Hometown Guide

Learn More About Your Hometown Guide

Showcase your business information locally, engage with existing clients, and reach more new customers

Finding local businesses in the St. Louis Metro-East Area is now easy and fast!  Our team created this website to:

  1. Help local businesses reach more customers in their area online.
  2. Help local customers find the best local events, businesses, and coupons.

If you are the owner of a local business, club, charity, non-profit or sports organization, we offer a selection of advertising plans so that you can list your business, allowing you to connect with more local customers.

How Can We Help Local Customers?

Save Money. Everyone loves to save money! We made it easier to find money-saving deals and coupons from participating businesses and share the savings with friends and family.

Stay Connected. Stay connected to the community that you love and discover upcoming events in your community. Support your local economy by shopping locally at your favorite small businesses.

Find Local Reputable Businesses. Discover the top local businesses in your community and view valuable information about them including hours of operation, testimonials, menus, photos, and more. You can even contact them directly from their listing.

How Do We Help Local Businesses?

Increase Your Customer Base. Local customers are constantly searching for businesses like yours on the Internet. We are able to help you connect directly with the customers in your community who are looking for your services.

Increase Online Visibility. 97% of customers use the Internet to search for local services and products. If your business is not visible online, then you are missing out on thousands of possible customers.

Improve Search Results. Getting on the first page of Google is not an easy task. Local directory listings are a way to help improve your Search Engine Ranking, increase SEO results for your company, and help you show up higher in localized search results.